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Our Teachers

Gerd Lise Njøs Nygaard – Teacher 1

Gerd Lise Njøs Nygaard

Gerd Lise started and founded Asker Private Music School in 1995. She teaches accordion, piano and music kindergarten. Gerd Lise also takes care of the daily operation of the music school as the principal.

Silje Mathisen – Teacher 3

Silje Mathisen

Silje has played the piano at the music school for many years, and now works as a practice teacher.

Daniel Svinningen – Teacher 3

Daniel Svinningen – Lærertype 3

Daniel has played the piano at the music school for several years, and now works as a practice teacher.

Alexander Njøs NygaardTeacher 1

Alexander Njøs Nygaard

Alexander is educated as a piano teacher and has worked at the music school since 2007. Alexander is also responsible for IT at the music school.

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